I've been an attorney for over forty years. I'm a Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist and Labor Specialist & Employment Law Specialist. I started my legal career as a prosecutor with the Ramsey County Attorrney's Office and public defender with the Hennepin County Public Defender; was a partner in Saint Paul, Minnesota criminal and labor law firm; and co-founded Hughes & Costello in 1992, as a criminal, labor and employment law firm.
Additionally, I have tried hundreds of criminal cases, arbitrations and administrative proceedings involving labor and employment law issues, representing individuals, unions, and employers in Washington, D.C., New York, Minnesota, Iowa, and the Dakotas. I also served as Counsel to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, General Secretary-Treasurer's office in Washington, D.C. from 1999-2012.
I'm the Author of Minnesota Misdemeanors (Lexis-Nexis); Hating the Sin, Loving the Sinner (Garland Publishing, Inc.) Co-author of Minnesota Evidentiary Foundations (Lexis-Nexis); and a Contributor Editor to The Developing Labor Law (BNA).